Saturday, May 22, 2010

Aleah's Baptism

Aleah's special day.

Aleah was Baptized on May 22nd.  What an amazing day.  She was able to share her baptism day with her friend Brynlee GublerBrynlee was waiting to get baptized because she had undergone a double organ transplant and her wounds had not closed up yet.  She also had never been submerged in water before.  So this was a very big event for BrynleeBrynlee was a bit hesitant but agreed to be baptized if she could do it with Aleah.  It was a magical day for both! 

Aleah had been looking forward to this day for several months, and being able to share it with Brynlee meant a lot to her.  She was prepared and not a bit nervous, well at least until she saw all the people there. 

We had several family members and friends in attendance and had a great swimming and diner party afterwards at the house. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jacob's first Play: Alice in Wonderland!

Yup, that's right.  Jacob was in a school play.  He played a main character.  The White Rabbit in the "Modern" version on "Alice in Wonderland".  He was really quite good.  We didn't know he had it in him.  He had a great time but the practicing was grueling and he was wiped out when it was all over.  He even lost a little of his voice the following day.  He had to really talk loud because the sound system was terrible.  The characters all wore costumes and makeup from the "70's" (more like the early 80's if you ask me).  Jacob really got into character.

The play ran for two days.  His teacher said he was the best White Rabbit out of all the casts. 
(There were 4 different casts.)

Counsins are the BEST!

Aren't these girls FUN! They all get along so well and I love to watch them play together.
Aleah, Kayla, Brooke (Brookie - as Aleah calls her)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Aleah's Birthday Fun

Aleah's special Day.

Brian and Jacob were gone to a Father's and Son's campout so Aleah spent her day with 'ol Mom!

What a FUN filled day!

I gave her 8 envelopes with "coupons" for different activities throughout the day.

#1: Dinner with Mom
#2: To get your ears pierced. (She's been waiting for 2 years to do this)
#3: Movie with Mom and her friend Brynlee.
#4: Shopping
#5: Late night with mom
#6: Manicure/Pedicure during Late Night
#7: Open one present
#8: A HUGH Hug and Kiss!

Then we celebrated her birthday with Dad and Jacob the next day and a "friend" party the following Friday.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our First Family Blog!

I am following in the footsteps of my talented Son and Daughter-in-Law.

Krista started a blog of her and Zach and then made a book out of it. She said it is a great way to "journal" with the benefits of pictures. I'm sure I won't keep as up to date as I'd like, but it is a start and it will be fun. It will be a good way to share pictures with family as well without going through Facebook. Not sure if I want everyone to see my "pre-beauty sleep" pictures and all!

Anyway, the key will be to keep up to date with pictures and not spend every waking moment on it. I can see how this whole thing can become very time consuming. So far I've been on this computer all morning. (not good)

So here it goes!